DWI/DUI: Missouri Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers

Driving while intoxicated (DWI), also known as driving under the influence (DUI), is a crime that is taken very seriously in the state of Missouri. In fact, legislation is currently in process that could make penalties even more serious than they currently are.

As it is now, a conviction for drunk driving leads to penalties that include fines, community service, driver’s license suspension and the requirement to purchase special insurance because of the violation. And that’s just on the first offense, which will also lead to you having a criminal record because it is a misdemeanor charge. Repeat offenders are at risk of even more serious consequences and the potential of being charged with felony DWI/DUI.

The experienced criminal law attorneys at Whiteaker & Wilson, PC d/b/a Law Office of Stuart P. Huffman, defend people in Springfield and the surrounding Missouri communities against all misdemeanor and felony drunk driving charges.

Know Your Options in DWI/DUI Cases

Whether you blew into the Breathalyzer or not, you have options. Our lawyers will tell you what they are. In fact, we will take the time to educate you about everything from possible sentences and how we can help you avoid them to how to present yourself in front of the judge when you go to court.

Our experience means we truly understand all of the options available to you in your DWI/DUI case. Depending on the facts of your case, the option may be available to have the charge taken off your record completely and receive no points after a period of probation. In other words, you may be able to get through this with much less damage than you thought. Alternatively, there are cases in which the situation requires trial.

It is not uncommon for people to receive a DWI when they have only had one or two beers. Our attorneys are experienced in handling these and all other DWI cases, through every stage of the process, including trial when necessary.

Start With a Free Initial Consultation

For a free initial consultation with a Springfield DWI/DUI attorney, call us at 417-413-5858 or send us an e-mail.

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